Thursday, December 29, 2005

serious games

a force more powerful-activism
america's army-how the military works
power politics III- how politics works
second life-live commerce
the sims 2- life simulations

serious games is a 1 billion dollar industry as opposed to entertainment at 30 billion

more ideas

in my insecurity I am thinking that should do a game about modern dance instead of the election or a game about the history of DC something that I know a lot about instead of a game based on something that I am passionate about but would have to learn on the fly.

I have some characters in mind.

"Mr 911" always returns to september 11, 2001 no matter what. He is a chicken little. He scares people.

"Ms 911 is a joke" says that the attack was a fluke and that it will be 50 years before something like that can happen again. It will happen when we forget that it can happen. Pearl Harbor to 911 was a long time we are too aware in the present.

"Mr Elect a black president now" It will never happen because Americans are accustomed to seeing a White male as president. It is part of our identity as a nation. This is why people were so upset with preemtive strikes it is not who we are as a nation. everything changes if a black person becomes president all of the years of psychological domination by Whites gets altered somehow. Every decision becomes a matter of race. every mistake and every triumph becomes a racial issue and we will see how racist this nation really is.

Monday, December 12, 2005